What is StayALERT?
- StayALERT is our school district's bi-lingual, confidential, safety reporting service. StayALERT provides students, parents of students, school and district administrators, teachers, and staff a means to confidentially report school-related safety concerns. The StayALERT reporting tool is available 24-7-365.
Who may create a report and how are they submitted to stayALERT?
Any student, teacher, faculty, parent of student, or local community member may submit a report. StayALERT has four modes of reporting a concern:
How are reported concerns handled or processed?
- Reports received by stayALERT are quickly screened and then communicated verbatim back to a pre-designated district administrator, who reviews the report and follows the district's procedures for handling the concern. StayALERT is a reporting tool and does not provide counseling services or other guidance. As a reporting tool, StayALERT gathers information from reports to facilitate follow-up decisions by the appropriate party. All reports to StayALERT are handled in a confidential manner.
What can be reported through StayALERT?
Any school safety concern may be reported to StayALERT. Examples of reports received are:
- Bullying
- Sexual Assaults
- Weapons
- Student Conflict
- Drug or Alcohol Use
- Vandalism
- Inappropriate Behaviors
- Any School Safety or Security Concern
Why do we have StayALERT?
- Our district desires to maintain the safest working and learning environment possible. StayALERT is one additional means to promote and encourage school safety.
Is StayALERT an emergency reporting line?
- Definitely not. Dial 911 if the safety concern is an emergency.