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Home of MWISD Health Services

Welcome! Health Services Mineral Wells ISD, the school nurse

Mineral Wells ISD has a nurse at every campus. Our nurses work to ensure the safety and well-being of each student during the school day and during school activities.

Additionally, our nurses work with families who have students with special medical conditions. Please contact the nurse on your student's campus to develop a plan for his/her special medical condition.

Helpful Information

If your child is sick:  Children must be free of fever (less than 100.0 degrees) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications (such as Tylenol or Advil / Motrin) before returning to school. Children must be free of diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school and need to be eating and drinking without any problem.

If a child vomits two or more times within 24 hours, they will need to stay home for at least 24 hours to ensure they are not contagious.

Please call your campus school nurse if your child has been diagnosed with a contagious condition such as Covid, pinkeye, strep throat, chicken pox, head lice, impetigo, ringworm, flu or has vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Medication:  Children are not permitted to carry any medication including cough drops. ALL MEDICATION must be administered from the clinic. Over the counter medication for less than 10 doses must be accompanied by an OTC Medication Form from the parent authorizing administration of the medication, reason and dose, time and amount.

Parents must deliver the medication to the clinic and bring only the necessary amount for school. All medication must be in the original container. All prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container with the child’s name, medication date and dosing instructions. A second bottle from the pharmacy can be requested from the pharmacy by the parent for the school clinic. Medications such as antibiotics for 3 times a day or every 8 hours are to be given at home. Just follow a before breakfast, after school, and before bedtime schedule.

*There are no "stock medications" in the clinic such as Tylenol, Motrin, Tums, etc. Medications can only be sent for the student by the parent or guardian.

Food Allergies:  Food allergies can be life threatening. The risk of accidental exposure to foods can be reduced in the school setting if schools work with students, parents, and physicians to minimize the risks and provide a safe educational environment for students with food allergies. Parents need to provide written medical documentation, instructions, and medications as directed by a physician, using the Food Allergy Action Plan as a guide.

Immunizations:  The Texas Department of Health requires all school age children to be up to date on immunizations. Children are excluded from school until the required immunizations are obtained and a copy is given to the school nurse.

Please contact your campus school nurse with any questions.


MWISD Lead Nurse

Ginger Donohoe, RN-BSN
School Nurse, Travis Elementary

School + Health = Successful Students!

  • Mineral Wells ISD requires students in kindergarten through grade 5 to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the school year or a minimum of 135 minutes during each school week.

    Students in grades 6 – 8 are required to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for at least four semesters during those grade levels or a minimum of 225 minutes during each period of two school weeks.

  • Mineral Wells ISD Physical Education teachers and/or coaches assess the physical fitness of all students in grades 3 – 8 and all High School students who are enrolled in a course for PE credit. The district uses the tool “FitnessGram”, an approved program, to complete the annual assessment. A report of the student’s assessment findings is sent to their parent.

  • Vending machine foods are not available to Elementary or Jr. High campus students at any time during the school day. Vending machine food that is available to High School students is consistent with the current Texas Public School Nutrition Policy which stipulates that the vending machines may be turned on before and after school only.

  • The students of Mineral Wells ISD are prohibited from possessing or using tobacco products, including electric cigarettes according to the Student Code of Conduct and District Policy FNCD (Legal).  The penalties for such are outlined under Discipline Management Techniques in the Student Code of Conduct. Every school year each student and parent is required to sign an acknowledgement that they have received a copy of the Student Code of Conduct and that they understand that students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Code. Additionally, all persons are prohibited from using tobacco products on school property. Furthermore, Mineral Wells ISD employees are prohibited from using tobacco products at school-sponsored events.