#ChooseMWISD » FAQ on Returning Student Registration

FAQ on Returning Student Registration

Who can use the Online Registration piece in Family Access?


The primary family listed on the student’s enrollment record. This is only for students that were enrolled in Mineral Wells ISD at the end of the last school year (2021-22).



What information is needed to complete these forms?


Your MWISD Family Access login is all that is needed to complete the forms.



What if I don’t remember my Family Access username and password?


 An email will be sent to the email account on file with MWISD. There is a “Forgot password” link on the login screen if you cannot remember your password.  For additional questions, you can contact your child's campus.



How do I get a Family Access account?


Call your child’s campus and provide them with a valid email address.



Do I have to complete everything online?


Online registration is easy to complete, and we encourage all parents to utilize this feature.



Do I have to complete it all at once?


No, there is a “Save and Finish Later” button, should you need to step away and come back to it later.



How long will this take?  


You should be able to complete the entire process within 15 minutes.



Do I have to complete this for each student?


Yes, you must go through the process with each child.



Who can I contact if I have any questions?


You can contact your child’s campus beginning Monday, August 1, 2022.